During the 18th Century the English and the French succeeded in ousting the Portuguese and the Dutch traders from the Indian soil. The English and the French came to dominate the Indian trade with Europe. They established their trading centers in different parts of India. These trading centers were mostly in the coastal areas. The profits, that the companies made through their trade, led to competitions and rivalries among them. It also often led to violent conflicts. The governments of England and France supported them companies in the wars. After the death of Aurangazeb in 1707 the Mughal Empire began to disintegrate. The Marata Empire, assiduously built by Shivaji from 1645, expanded vastly under the Peshwas in the Western part of India. Asaf Jah, the Nizam-ul-Mulk, founded the state of Hyderabad in the Deccan in 1724. Alivardi Khan declared himself an independent Nawab of Bengal in 1740. Saadatullah Khan (1710-1732) became the Nawab of the Carnatic region with Arcot as its capital. His nephew and successor Dost Ali was killed by the Marathas in the battle in 1740 Asaf Jah, the Hyderabad Nizam, came down upto Tiruchirapalli. He appointed Anwar-ud-din Khan as the Nawab of Arcot. He was unpopular. Dost Ali’s son-in-law Chanda Sahib, imprisoned by the Marathas and released in 1748, created problems to Anwar-ud-din. The local Palayakkars also rebelled. This political instability made the English and the French to interfere in the political affairs of the country.





    The First Carnatic War (1746 – 48) – Causes:

    The rivalry of the trading companies reached its climax with the arrival of Dupleix as the French Governor of Pondicherry in 1742. He wanted to strengthen the French position. It was at that time the Austrian War of Succession broke out in Europe. England and France took opposite sides in that war. The war echoed in India too. The English started the war against the French in 1746. Events: The English captured the French ships in the Indian waters with the help of Commodore Barnett. Dupleix appealed for help to the French Governor of Mauritius La Bourdonnais. The French fleet came and blockaded Madras Port. With the joint efforts of Dupleix and La Bourdonnais Madras was captured. Anwar-ud-din sent a huge army under Mehpuzkhan to restore Madras. But it was defeated by a small disciplined French force at the Battle of Adyar. Dupleix tried to capture Fort St. David, but failed. Meanwhile the Austrian War of Succession ended in Europe. The English and the French stopped their fight in India.


    The Second Carnatic War (1748 – 1754):

    Though the enmity between the French and the English ended in Europe, their rivalry continued in India. The success of Dupleix against the Nawab’s forces made him more confident and ambitious. Dupleix aimed to promote the French interests. He began to fit one Indian ruler against the other. The English were cautious and alarmed of the growing French influence.



    The Nizam of Hyderabad died in 1748. There arose a war of succession between Nasir Jung, the second son of the departed ruler and Mussafar Jung, his grandson. In the Carnatic Chanda Sahib, son-in-law of Dost Ali, claimed the throne of Arcot against Anwar-uddin. Mussafar Jung and Chanda Sahib joined together and sought the French help. Nasir Jung and Anwar-ud-din got the English help. Thus the disputes for the throne of Hyderabad and Arcot became the cause for the war.




    The armies of Mussafar, Chanda Sahib and the French defeated Anwar-ud-din at Ambur in 1749. Anwar lost his life in the battle. His son Muhammed Ali escaped to Tiruchirapalli for safety. He surrendered to the English. Chanda Sahib became the Nawab of the Carnatic. He rewarded Dupleix’s help by giving Valudanoor, Villianoor and Bahur near Pondicherry. Then he marched towards Tiruchirapalli to capture Muhammed Ali. The English came to the rescue of Muhammed Ali. Robert Clive, an army officer of the English East India Company, suggested a plan to attack Arcot. The English Governor Saunders accepted it. He sent an army with Robert Clive and Major Lawrence. Clive captured Arcot without any serious opposition in 1751. The French forces and Chanda Sahib were defeated at Arni and Kaveripakkam. Chanda Sahib surrendered and he was beheaded in 1752. Dupleix failed to capture Tiruchirapalli. He was recalled to France in 1754. With his recall the second Carnatic war came to an end. The French were however strongly entrenched at Hyderabad. Nasir Jung lost his life in an encounter in 1750. Muzaffar Jung became the Nizam and amply rewarded the French. The capture of Arcot was the most remarkable achievement of the English in Carnatic war. Clive was hailed as the Hero of Arcot.



    The Third Carnatic War (1756 – 1763) Causes:

    The out-break of the Seven Years War in Europe was the immediate cause for the Third Carnatic War. The French Government sent Count-de-Lally as the Governor and commander-in-chief of French possessions in India. Soon after his arrival in India, he attacked and captured Fort.St. David. With a view to capture Chennai, he recalled Bussy, the French General from Hyderabad. That was a great blunder. As soon as Bussy left Hyderabad, the English conquered the Northern Circars. Salabat Jung, the Nizam of Hyderabad was forced to change sides. The French lost their political influence in Hyderabad. The French generals Lally and Bussy were decisively defeated by the English. The French even surrendered Pondicherry in 1761.



    Causes for the success of the English:


    (1) The English had a much better financial position compared to the French,

    (2) The British Government rendered adequate support to the company which was not given by the French Government,

    (3) The English had acquired better trade facilities compared to the French,

    (4) England had a very strong and superior naval power than the French,

    (5) There was good understanding between the English Generals,

    (6) Peace prevailed in England and hence they concentrated more on their affairs in India and (7) Dupleix, an able Governor, was recalled when his services were very much required in India and his successor was not as efficient as Dupleix.




    Alivardi Khan declared his independence in 1740. He became the Nawab of Bengal. On his death in 1756, Siraj-ud-daulah, his grandson became the Nawab of Bengal at the age of 24. Soon after his accession to the throne, the young Nawab came into conflicts with the English in Bengal.



    Alivardi Khan

    Battle of Plassey – Causes:

    Siraj-ud-daulah prevented the English from fortifying Fort William. The English refused to stop the new fortification. So he attacked their factory at Cassim Bazar. He captured Fort William. Many prominent Englishmen escaped. But one hundred and forty six English were taken as prisoners. They were said to have been kept in a very small room. It is said that on 20 June 1756 hundred and twenty-three of them died out of suffocation. Only twenty-three survived. The English historians describe this incident as the Black Hole Tragedy. This incident made the English at Chennai to send a relieving force under Robert Clive along with Admiral Watson to Bengal. Clive entered into a conspiracy with Mir Jafar, the Commander-in-Chief of Siraj-ud daulah.





    Clive marched towards Plassey, on 23 June 1757 which was near to the Nawab’s capital Murshidabad. As agreed earlier, Mir Jafar, the Chief commander of Siraj-ud-daulah, did not take up arms against the English army. On the other hand Nawab’s soldiers fled from the battlefield. Later the Nawab was killed and Mir Jafar was made the Nawab of Bengal as promised by Clive. The Battle of Plassey was merely a skirmish. But in its results it was one of the most decisive battles in Indian History. The battle paved the way for the foundation of the English rule in India.




    Hyder Ali: Hyder Ali was born in 1721. He was the son of a faujdar of the Mysore Army. He started his career as an ordinary soldier. Though unlettered he was endowed with strong determination, admirable courage, keen intellect and commonsense. By his hard work he became the Commander-in-Chief of the army. When the ruler of Mysore died, he proclaimed himself as the ruler and became the Sultan of Mysore.



    Hyder Ali


    First Mysore War (1767 – 1769) – Causes:

     Hyder Ali strengthened his army by including the French soldiers into his service. He extended his territories by conquering many areas in South India. The rapid rise of Hyder Ali naturally excited the jealousy of the Marathas, the Nizam of Hyderabad and the English. They joined together and formed a triple alliance and declared a war on Hyder Ali. By his diplomacy, Hyder Ali, cleverly won over the Marathas and the Nizam. But under the leadership of the English General, Smith, Hyder Ali was defeated at Changam and Tiruvannamalai in 1767. At the same time, Tippu Sultan, son of Hyder Ali advanced towards Chennai. So the English were forced to enter into an agreement. Results: The war ended by the Treaty of Madras (Chennai) in 1769. Territories conquered during the war were restored to each other. The English agreed to help Hyder Ali in case of attack by his enemies, the Nizam and the Marathas.



    Third Mysore War:

    Lord Cornwallis (1786-1793) became the Governor General of Bengal in 1786. He was also made Commander-in-Chief of the English army. He fought against Tippu in the Third Mysore war.



    The English started improving their relationship with the Nizam and the Marathas. Tippu, on the other hand, improved his resources. He got the French help. He attacked Travancore in 1789 which was a friendly state of the English. So Cornwallis declared a war on Tippu in 1790. Both the troops had victories and defeats alternately. The war came to an end in 1792.



    The Fourth Mysore War 1799 – Causes:

    The Treaty of Srirangapatinam failed to bring peace between Tippu and the English. Tippu refused to accept the subsidiary alliance of Lord Wellesley. He wanted to take revenge on the English. He sent emissaries to Kabul, Constantinople, Arabia and France to get their support. When Wellesley came to know all about Tippu’s activities, he declared war at once against him in 1799. Tippu suffered defeats at the hands of General Stuart and General Harris. Wellesley himself besieged Srirangapatinam. Tippu fought bravely but died in the battle.





    Lord Wellesley was the Governor-General of Bengal from 1798 – 1805. He adopted several policies to turn the English East India Company from a trading corporation into a supreme power in India. He adopted three methods to expand the British empire. They were : 1. Subsidiary Alliance System,  2. Wars and conquests and

    3. annexation of territories. Let us know the Subsidiary Alliance system. The Indian rulers were persuaded by Wellesley to sign a friendly treaty with the English. The States in turn had to follow certain conditions. They were: 1. The States had to accept the English as their Supreme Power, 2. A British Resident and British subsidiary forces were to be stationed inside the State, 3. They had to cede territories to the company for the maintenance of subsidiary force, 4. They should not entertain any other Europeans, other than the English, 5. The States were not allowed to negotiate with any other kingdom without the permission of the Governor-General and 6. In return, the English promised them protection against any external attacks and non-interference in their internal matters.


    States which entered into the Subsidiary Alliance:

    1. The Nizam of Hyderabad was the first to accept the subsidiary alliance system. He handed over the territories of Cuddappah, Bellary, Anantapur and Carnool,

    2. After the death of Tippu Sultan, his kingdom was handed over to Krishna Raja Wadiar who accepted the scheme,

    3. The Nawab of Oudh accepted this scheme and surrendered Rohilkhant and Southern districts of Doab region.

    4. Peshwa Baji Rao II and many Rajput rulers also entered into this alliance.





    Maratha War

    First Maratha War:

    During the administration of Warran Hastings (1772 – 1785) the First Maratha War was fought. In 1772, Madhava Rao, the Peshwa of the Maratha Kingdom died. He had no issue. His younger brother Narayana Rao succeeded to the throne. But his ambitious uncle Raghoba alias Raghunath Rao murdered him. He announced himself as the next Peshwa. Nana Fadnavis, a senior and loyal statesman objected to it. He wanted to make Madhva Rao Narayanan, the son of Narayana Rao, as the next Peshwa. Raghoba went to the English for help. He signed a treaty in 1775, known as the Treaty of Surat, with the Governor of Bombay. By this treaty, Raghoba agreed to handover the islands of Salsette and Bassein to the English in return for their help to get the Peshwaship. This was done without the knowledge of the Governor-General, Warren Hastings and he rejected the treaty. Nana Fadnavis signed a treaty called the Treaty of Purandhar in 1776 with the English. Thus Nana Fadnavis raised his position and defeated Raghoba. The war ended with the signing of the Treaty of Salbai in 1782.


    The Second Maratha War 1803 – Causes:


    The great Maratha statesman Nana Fadnavis died in 1800. After his death war brokeout among the Maratha chiefs, Bhonsle and Sindhia. Peshwa Baji Rao II was a weak ruler. He sought the help of the English for protection. The English defeated the combined armies of Scindia and Bhonsle.



    The Third Maratha War (1817 – 1818) – Causes:


    In 1817, Peshwa Baji Rao II tried to organize a confederacy of Maratha chiefs against the English. When an envoy was killed by his minister, Baji Rao II was asked to sign a humiliating treaty. He refused to do so and declared war on the English. But he was defeated by the English. By this success Lord Hastings the Governor-General, established British Supremacy in India.





    Lord William Bentinck (1828 –1835 A.D.) was appointed as GovernorGeneral in 1828. He was a very capable, benevolent and intelligent administrator. He was the first enlightened Governor-General to act on the principle that the welfare of the Government lies in the welfare of the Governed. He made his marks in the field of administration by carrying out some beneficial reforms. His reforms may be classified under three headings: 1. Financial Reforms, 2. Administrative Reforms and 3. Social Reforms Let us analyse his social reforms here. Social evils like Sati, polygamy, child marriage, female infanticide, sale of women and the plight of the widows prevailed in India during the 19th century. These evil practices were deep rooted. They affected the culture and unity among the Indians. Bentinck tried to eradicate some of these evils.




    Lord Dalhousie (1848 – 1856) was one of the greatest Governors General of India. He was a great annexationist. He followed the policy of annexation by waging wars. He annexed the Punjab and Lower Burma by war. He adopted the policy of Doctrine of Lapse for the establishment of British Imperialism in India. At the same time he also laid the foundation for the modernization of India.




    Doctrine of Lapse (Becomes the property of the British in India):


    Every Hindu has a right to adopt a male child as his heir in the absence of a natural heir. The adopted son enjoys all the rights and privileges. He shares all the responsibilities as a natural heir to his father. In the beginning, the English accepted this right of Hindu native rulers without any hesitation. When Lord Dalhousie became the Governor-General, he used the Doctrine of Lapse to extend the British power. There were three categories of Indian States at that time, namely, creations, dependents and independent States.




    They were created by the English. The rulers of these States were not allowed to adopt heirs to their thrones.



    These States existed by depending on the British power. They were bound to seek permission of the English in case of adoption. They could be granted or refused.


     Independent States:

    The rulers of these states were free to adopt their heirs. But the heirs could succeed to the personal property only and not to the throne. To succeed to the throne, they were also asked to seek the permission of the British.


    States annexed under this scheme:

     Applying the Doctrine of Lapse, Dalhousie annexed Satara, Jaitpur, Sambalpur, Udaipur, Jhansi and Nagpur. Of these Satara, Nagpur and Jhansi were important ones whose annexation was not justified. In the Great Revolt of 1857 Rani Lakshmi Bai of Jhansi took a dreadful revenge for the loss of her throne. She massacred every European who fell into her hands.




    The first railway line from (Bombay) Mumbai to Thana (about 20 miles (36 k.m.) was constructed in 1853. Then in 1854 Howrah and Ranikanj were connected. In 1856 a Railway line was laid between (Madras) Chennai and Arakonam. Dalhousie is considered as the father of Indian Railways and Telegraphs.



    The first railway line from (Bombay) Mumbai to Thana

    Public Works Department:

    This department was set up in order to construct new roads, canals and bridges. It was also to repair the existing ones. The Ganga Canal was dug. The Grand Trunk Road connecting Calcutta and Peshawar were constructed during his period.


    Posts and Telegraphs:

    Lord Dalhousie introduced ½ anna (3 paise) postal system. The telegraph system was also introduced. From 1853 to 1856, nearly 4000 miles (6400 k.m.) of telegraphic lines connecting (Calcutta) Kolkata with Peshawar, (Bombay) Mumbai and (Madras) Chennai was installed. The military value of this was realized during the revolt of 1857.



     Lord Dalhousie introduced certain educational reforms on the basis of the Sir Charles Woods’ Despatch of 1854. The Department of Public Instruction (DPI) was opened in each province. He took steps to establish universities at Bombay, Calcutta and Madras. They were opened in 1857. Vernacular instruction was given more importance. Dalhousie introduced the grants-in-aid scheme to help the private institutions. These reform measures of Dalhousie led to the modernization of India.



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