What does your mind look like? The conscious mind is made up of five mental muscles.


What does your mind look like?


You were born with the most sophisticated and complex instrument the planet has known your marvellous mind. Very few people have any concept of what the mind actually is like, how to describe it, or how to alter it forever. Sure, everyone says you need to change your mind, but no one tells you what it is, what it looks like and exactly how to change it. We were not born with a manual on how the mind works or how to maximize its use. Without this information, thousands of people wander through the deserted halls of dreams, always hoping, but rarely achieving. We believe we have discovered the best concept in the world today to describe the mind, how it works, and how to change it. The beauty of this model is that it is not difficult to understand.



    The Conscious Mind


    This is the part of you that thinks. You have the ability to choose which thoughts you will entertain. This is the place where ideas are formulated. You bring information into these parts of your mind, through your five senses. Your freewill resides here. Pain, pleasure, and limitation originate in the conscious mind.

    This part of your mind serves as a filter for what you will allow to be impressed into your subconscious mind. The conscious mind is made up of five mental muscles. Some people call these your higher faculties. It really doesn’t matter what you call them. What’s good to remember is that they are part of you, and you can develop each one to create more awareness in your life and improve your results.


    The conscious mind is made up of five mental muscles.


    What does your mind look like? The conscious mind is made up of five mental muscles.


    You can develop your ability to view your world differently. You can decide how

    circumstances will affect your life. You can develop better ways to perceive your reality.



    There is a power flowing into you that can allow you to create big ideas. The power of your imagination is more powerful than all the nuclear power present in the world today. The ability to dream is probably one of the most under-used tools we have at us disposal. If you are like most people, this muscle was squashed when you were a kid.



    This is the muscle that allows you to concentrate. Most people are easily taken off course because they have never developed this muscle. You have the power to mentally focus on your goals and never be taken off track because of your current circumstances, environment, or situation.



    This is often referred to as your sixth sense. This is an actual mental faculty. You have the ability to pick up information through your intuition in a way that is unexplainable by modern science. Oddly, women seem to have a more highly developed sense of intuition than men, but men do have it.



    You have a perfect memory. You never forget anything. You may need training as to how to retrieve it through your conscious mind, but it is perfect.



    The Subconscious Mind


    This part of you is certainly the most magnificent. It is your power centre. Every thought your conscious mind chooses to accept, this part must willingly accept. It has no ability to reject it. For every idea your conscious mind conceives, your subconscious mind will create whatever is necessary to fulfil that picture. If you have pictures of poverty in your conscious mind, then your subconscious mind will create exactly that, in reality, right on schedule. All your prior conditioning from parents, teachers and authority figures is found here. Whatever is impressed in this side of your personality will be expressed through the only medium it can, your body.



    The Body


    This parts of you are by far the smallest part of who you really are. This part is the part that expresses what us on the inside. Your body never lies. Whatsoever is impressed on your mind will express itself on the physical plane through your body. Your body is an instrument of the mind. it materializes the exact pictures impressed on the mind. This involves behaviour. Behaviours and actions determine results. Want better results? Change your behaviour. Want better behaviour? Change the pictures in your subconscious mind. How do you do that? Change the pictures in your conscious mind. You either choose your thoughts or accept them from an outside source. These thoughts develop into images or ideas in your conscious mind. You then impress the images upon your subconscious mind, causing feelings. The feelings cause actions and the actions cause results.





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