Write out your A1 goal, in full description, every day for 30 days.



A powerful way to train your crew is to write out your hearts Desire Worksheet every day for 30 days. This gives your crew a strong and precise order from you, the captain. The Problem with many people is they quit crew has actually registered the request. Or worse, the captain changes his mind every six minutes. If you want to really have an impact, then write this sheet out every day for 30 days. I promise, you will be pleasantly surprise.





    Write out your A1 goal, in full description, every day for 30 days.

    Work Goals

    What goals do you want to reach in this area? A raise? A promotion? Would you like to win some award or special recognition? Where do you see your career going? Would you like to change your career?



    How much money do you desire? What will your bank account or investments be like in the future? Would you like to make a million dollars? Would you like to own more real estate? What will your annual income be in five years? When will you build the new wing down at the cancer hospital?



    Which organizations will you join? What will your social life be like in the future? Would you like new relationships? Would you like to make improvements in this area? What kind of friend will you be to others?



    What state will your body be in next year at this time? If you plan to lose weight how much? When? Would you like to eat better? Would you like to have more energy? Going to start exercising soon? When? Where? With whom?



    How will you develop your mind? What would you like to learn more than anything else? Can you think of some books you would like to read or courses you would like to take? What will they be? Memory training? Public speaking? New language?




    What would you like to change at home? Are you spending quality time developing solid relationships? What goals do you have for your family life? What trips, events, plans will make you richer on the family side of life.



    What aspect of your spiritual life will you develop? Have you sensed a certain emptiness that spiritual development may solve? What will you do about it? What will your involvement be in spiritual organizations?



    10 Steps to Effective Goal Setting


    Write out your A1 goal, in full description, every day for 30 days.

    Step 1: List the goal category.


    Because you will have several goals in one binder or file, it will be helpful for you to list from which category this particular goal comes. You will be introduced shortly to the Goals Mastery Worksheet that will provide a place where you are able to write all this information. The Worksheets are extremely powerful tools to help you achieve your goals. You will fill out one for each of your goals. You will be asked to select one goal as your A1 goal. This is your priority goal.


    Step 2: Put your goal in writing and make it specific.


    To say you want to be rich or happily married is more of a wish than a goal. For a goal to be effective, you must describe in detail what it will look like. If I set a goal to be a millionaire, I need to define that goal in measurable terms. What will my bank account look like? What car will I drive? Some experts say you should go as far as to describe the colour of the car. Use what behavioural scientist Dr. Robert Mager calls the “Daddy Test.” Write the goal and say, “Daddy come watch me ... (state the goal).” If Daddy would know exactly what you are doing, then it passes the Daddy Test.

    For example, if you say “Daddy, come watch me be a millionaire,” Daddy would not know exactly what that means. If I rewrite the goal and say, “Daddy, come watch me pay cash for a new, red Rolls Royce,” then Daddy would know exactly what I would be doing – therefore it is a clearly written goal.



    Step 3: Give it a deadline.


    Deadlines often scare people away from goal-setting. Will I feel like a failure if I don’t reach my goal on time? Don’t worry, it can be changed. Perhaps the date is wrong, but setting a deadline does provide a target. Besides achievement deadlines, consider breaking down the goal into smaller pieces and setting milestones. Milestones are indicators along the way that will help you track your progress. If you set a goal to lose 25 lbs. in ten months, you could date a goal for each of the ten months. In the first month you should have dropped 2.5 lbs., the same the second, third and so on. Isn’t it easier to break it down and set shorter deadlines? Anyone can lose 2.5 lbs. in a month. If you broke it down even further, it would mean you would lose less than half a pound a week.


    Step 4: Identify the potential Success Blockers.


    You can count on obstacles. You’d better expect them! Anything worthwhile in life will have a price to pay and hurdles to conquer. Successful goal setters identify those potential problems first before they encounter them. This puts them in a much stronger position to overcome them. Last year I set a goal to lose 25 lbs. I considered the Success Blockers, the obstacles that would attempt to block the achievement of my goal. For me, the obstacles to that goal are that I hate exercise and love food. I travel often and spend time in fine hotels. I’m not the type of person who can travel on a plane all night, get to my hotel room at midnight, and order a salad from room service. This is even more difficult when there is prime rib and cheesecake on the same menu. That was a potential obstacle for me. Considering this ahead of time allowed me to plan how to handle the obstacle when faced with it. It didn’t always work! I’m a sucker for cheesecake.


    Step 5: Write out a list of skills you will need to develop to achieve the goal.


    If you set a goal to sail around the world then you might have to develop some navigational skills. It probably would help. If you want to write a book then you may need to develop grammatical skills. This step forces you to consider ahead of time the tools you will need to see your dreams come true. Make a list.



    Step 6: Identify the resources you will need.


    Chances are, you will require the assistance of certain people to see your dreams fulfilled. Who are they? How should you approach them? What should you ask them? Is there an association or fellowship you could join? Some goals require the assistance of professional helpers. Thousands have stopped excessive drinking with the help of the world-renowned Alcoholics Anonymous Twelve-Step Program.

    Step #6 drives us to identify the people, places, organizations and resources necessary to accomplish great things in life.

     (I found there is a lot of help available for those who stop long enough to consider, shut-up long enough to hear, and humble themselves enough to ask.) When I first began in this industry, many of the “big guns” in the speaking/training business freely gave of their time to help me. They were delighted to help someone who had the courage to seek assistance and to put into practice the advice they gave.



    Step 7: List what benefits this goal will bring.

    Every goal has a price and requires a certain degree of sacrifice and hard work. When you list the benefits of goal, you stay motivated to stick with it. For my first “international” business trip, I went to Bermuda. I actually went four times in 1988 to train sales people for a bank. When I set my 1989 goals, doing more training in Bermuda was high on the list. I cut out pictures of the hotel in which I stayed because it was such a quiet and lovely resort

    We were right on the water in Hamilton by the harbour, and we could watch the cruise ships come in. The warm sunshine, the smell of the sea air, and the colourful trees and flowers in that picture got me excited. I put a picture right on my computer. Every time I would wonder why I should be working so hard, I would see the hotel, and I was mentally transported back to Bermuda and kept working toward the goal. This strategy is an important one. Be sure to list the benefits and consider the emotional advantages. What’s in it for me?

    How will I feel if I accomplish this goal?

    How will it affect my self-esteem? How will my mind be affected when I reach this goal?

    Get feelings in the picture. Contemplate the emotional benefits of the goal.



    Step 8: Include a workable plan.


    Time management expert and author Harold Taylor says, “Don’t expect to achieve your goals without adequate planning. Planning moves things from where they are now to where we want them to be in the future. It translates intention into action. Sit down with your daily planner and schedule when you will work on your goals. Make a plan that is realistic given your situation, but develop an action plan. List the steps involved and when you will work on them.



    Step 9: Build in accountability factors.


    Have you tried to achieve a certain goal only to fail time and time again? You feel the goal is worthwhile and you would like to see it through, but you just can’t break through. To achieve goals, make yourself accountable to someone you respect. I have an advisory board that holds me accountable for certain professional goals. I call them my “ATTILA THE HUN COMMITTEE.” If I say I will have two chapters of my next book written by the 15th of the month, they ensure I do. I have been massacred at some ATTILA COMMITTEE meetings for not meeting deadlines. They don’t let me get away with anything. This step may seem extreme, and it might well be for some goals, but other goals that are essential can be achieved by using this strategy, particularly if you have had difficulty with certain parts of the goal. If a goal is important to you and you need help, find someone whom you respect, who is not afraid to confront you and who will honestly hold you to your goals. You might get together weekly or monthly to review your progress. Accountability is vital to goal-setting success. It may be one of the toughest strategies to practice, but it does produce results!


    Step 10: List what specific actions you will take in the next 24 hours, week, and month. We call them Action Commitments.


    This is the most crucial aspect of goal-setting. This will either bring you joy or frustration. If you set a goal and take no concrete action to achieve it, you will be raising your dissatisfaction levels. You will frustrate yourself to no end. You have written a goal, considered a deadline, and thought about the obstacles you will have to face in obtaining the goal. You have written down the skills you will need to develop, and named people who will help you achieve the goal. You have thought about all the benefits to achieving the goal, developed a plan and even considered becoming accountable to someone about the goal and YOU DO NOT ACT? Never! No student of The Millionaire Mindset will allow himself to be counted among the heaps of those with dead dreams, dead dreams caused by inactivity.


    Step 10 may very well be the most important of all the steps. It moves you beyond goal-setting into goal-achieving. Sounds much better, doesn’t it? In the space provided in the Worksheet, list what specific actions you will take in the next 24 hours. You want to record all Action Commitments in your calendar, planner or Day-Timer. Do the same for the following week and following month. What you do in the crucial days and weeks following your goal-setting sessions represent the most important block of time you have. Throughout the first few weeks, you have the opportunity to capitalize on your focus and momentum which has been created during the exercise. The successful commencement of these activities by the end of the first week or month provides us with another boost of energy, propelling us toward the attainment of the goal. Beginning these activities motivates us to continue with the process until new and more powerful habits are developed. No matter how grandiose your goal might be, action can and should be taken within the next 24 hours Deciding to simply spend fifteen minutes in visualization can be Action Commitment.




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